domenica 28 novembre 2010

our summary...

Here you can see what we think about this wonderful learning event!

giovedì 18 novembre 2010

a new tool: Screentoaster!

How to record and show from your computer screen:

venerdì 5 novembre 2010

let's have fun!!

Web 2.0 tools for fun

Animoto - for making animated photo presentations and shows
Voki - for creating your own speaking avatar
Glogster - for making interactive posters
Sketchfu - for drawing together and sharing
Makebeliefscomix - for making your own comics
Jigsawplanet - for making your own puzzles
Wordle - for making word clouds
Smilebox - for making scrapbooks and eCards
Bitstrips - for creating comics

Algo del que estoy convencida desde hace mucho tiempo ...

Tips for Teachers as Web Tutors or Moderators

The teacher's role is crucial when planning a learning process. In an eTwinning project, it's the partner teachers' shared responsibility to schedule the learning process, choose and provide appropriate tools, set the goals and plan the procedure. After that the focus should be on the learners.
  • Teacher is a guide on the path students are walking. She/he let's the students walk independently, encourages and supports, helps in crisis, but keeps distance.
  • At the beginning the teachers' responsibility is bigger, but towards the end, the students should take responsibility of their own learning and of the process/project.
  • When the students face problems, they should have a teacher to turn to for help. On the other hand, the students should be encouraged to first try to solve the problems themselves.
  • It's important that the students help and support each other. Teaching your peers is an essential part of collaborative learning.
  • One of the most common mistakes is that the emoderator/teacher talks too much and imposes her/his own ideas very strongly.
  • In learning, the process is much more important than the end product.
  • Mistakes are an essential part of a learning process and often a very effective way to learn. They're nothing to be afraid of.
  • When given the goal and support and appropriate tools, students usually come up with amazingly creative solutions.
  • Project learning is always as much learning to learn as learning the actual subject matter.

giovedì 4 novembre 2010


I'm trying to understand how to work with moodle. I've created an account on MoodleSocial. As I am running an eTwinning project called "El Babel Digital /e-Babel", I think it could be useful having a public space where we can "test" and publish our products (we want to build a sort of e-journal).
But I'm just at the beginning of the adventure ... I still have to learn a lot ...

Working together

Some months ago, I created a wiki on PBworks. It was about a task I did with my pupils. They had to create together a table based on a song called "En el muelle de San Blas".
Here's the link.
In these very last days, I have also opened a page on Wikispaces: LauraBassi2011